Warkworth Branch Pony Club




The Warkworth Branch Pony Club has been around for over 65 years and is part of the NZPCA (New Zealand Pony Club Association). The NZPCA is represented nationally by its 81 Clubs, 238 Branches and over 9,400 Members. We are based at the Warkworth A & P Show grounds on SH1 where we hold our rallies and competitions throughout the season, from September through to May (weather permitting). Over the last year our membership has grown by 100%, in line with the growth across the Warkworth district and surrounding areas. The Warkworth Branch Pony Club is a not for profit organisation with the goal of encouraging and supporting young people with an interest in ponies/horses and riding. Through the support of our volunteer coaches and committee members we provide instruction on riding and horse/pony management through a structured certificate system that allows young people to gain qualifications whilst promoting the highest ideals of behaviour, sportsmanship, citizenship and loyalty. We encourage young people to ride and enjoy the multitude of sport connected with riding through our rallies, events and various competitions. Our Coaches and Committee members are all volunteers and are the backbone of our Pony Club. They are a dedicated and committed team that give up their time to encourage and develop our young members in the equestrian sport and helping them to grow as individuals.


 Warkworth A&P Showgrounds




 First Sunday of the Month

Fortnightly on Tuesday evening during season


Open to Riders of any age – we also hold regular Adult rides.

Contact Us on the form below.

President | Sandi Webb | (09 422 4063)

Vice President | Pauline Colclough | (09 425 7734)

Secretary | Charlotte Walker | (09 422 5207)

Treasurer | Joanna Rusher | (021 827477)

Head Coach | Pauline Colclough | (09 425 7734)

Pony Club Enquiries

2 + 12 =

Facebook Changes

Due to legal issues faced by facebook, we can no longer display feeds of our local facebook groups directly on this website – you will still be able to view them on facebook.com. This does not affect the display of facebook Pages.

Library Newsletter

The latest newsletter for the Kaipara Flats Library is now ready to view & download. Note the Library AGM is on Monday 14th May at 7.30pm.

The Kaipara Flats Library Book Club

This club operates under the aegis of the Christchurch WEA Book Discussion Scheme where the same book is distributed to members and discussed at the following meeting.

We have been meeting since September 2015 – growing from 7 members to 12 and in the first year has met two-monthly.

To date we have read and discussed ‘Skylark’ by NZ author Jenny Patrick, ‘Daughters-in-Law’ by Joanna Trollope and ‘Little Princes’ by Conor Grennan. We are currently reading ‘The Art of Hearing Heartbeats’ by Jan- Phillip Sendker.

During summer months meetings are held at the Library and rotated around members’ homes at other times.

Call Philippa Wech 09 422 4991